Monday, June 16, 2008

Nature observation

Looking through the urban farm i found a couple of really intriguing plants. The first one was an artichoke plant, it had these huge spikey leaves with the artichokes sort of flowering at the tops which created this really interesting fractal design, the overall aesthetic of the plant was this really sharp/gothic feel. One design i thought of was to use the layering of the artichoke leaves as a document storage device; you could press a button to open all the leaves up and put your documents in the different layers then close it up. The other plant i found looked like a rhubarb or some kind of weird cabbage plant, it had this very intense waxy blood red main stem coming from the roots which then branched into red veins amongst the green leaves, I'm not sure what kind of design to make of it but i really like the intense red contrasting the green leaves, almost like there's blood running through the plant.

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