Sunday, December 6, 2009

Totally done

My desk is complete and everything went as smooth as possible today. Overall I am very please with the outcome of this project, I was able to work with my hands and use analog tools like I did for the first project but I also stepped it up a notch by incorporating digital design into the piece. I used the vinyl cutter and the laser cutter for this project and the results couldn't have been better, and now that I know how to use these tools I will definitely try and incorporate them into my future work.

As far as the desk goes I am in love with it - not only does it completely outweigh the old version in aesthetics but it serves as a great source of inspiration for me while I'm sitting at the desk working. It's a reminder of all the hard work I put in to this and how with the right tools you can do just about anything you set your mind to.

Here is the entire process from start to finish:

(Original plan)

(quick sketch for possibility of adding vinyl)

(digital sketch to examine different designs)

( Final choice for vinyl design)

(The desk disassembled and sanded)

(Here it is with the bottom half painted, the vinyl cut out and ready to go, and the acrylic backboard laser etched)

(close-up of the acrylic)

(here's the top half of the desk in the process of being painted)

(Here's the blue light that I took from my computer to illuminate the laser cut acrylic)

(In order for the light to reach the top of my desk I simply spliced the wires with some old RCA wires I had laying around and plugged it back into my computer so the acrylic lights up when I turn my computer on, very cool)

(The very tedious process of applying the vinyl)

(The completed vinyl, looks just like I imagined it)

(Installed brand new brackets for my keyboard drawer so I wouldn't have to worry about the damned thing falling out on my lap anymore)

(Here's the acrylic backboard screwed in place)

(Here's the whole thing re-assembled but still not quite finished)

(I screwed in a couple hooks to hold the blue light in place. The tape is covering the top portion of the light so it all gets focused down on the acrylic)

(And here it is in action!)

(close up of the lit-up acrylic. This is probably my favorite part of the desk)

(And finally here's a good 'ol fashioned before and after picture)


Anonymous said...

Wow Chris! It looks great!

dwatts1 said...

That's super rad, dude... great work/idea.