Saturday, October 24, 2009

Making some progress...

I took a trip to goodwill and home depot today to pick up all my necessary supplies and surprisingly I got everything I needed in one quick trip, my expenses totaled to about $30, a bit pricey but not so bad considering im turning a piece of junk into a nice high quality custom piece of furniture instead of just throwing it away and spending $150 on some "designer" piece of crap. Here's a list of all the items I gathered:

1) A slightly damaged but still usable piece of medium density particle board (the same stuff my night stand is made of), its just big enough for me to cut the pieces I need without having too much waste, and since it was out of the scrap bin it only cost me 1$.

2)A 14" x 17" piece of glass that I scavenged out of a crappy old picture frame from goodwill. The glass isn't quite as thick as I'd like it to be so we'll see how it holds up, if it breaks it should be pretty easy (and cheap) to replace. - $5

3) 3 pieces of sandpaper - $3

4) 2 cans of high quality lacquer black spray paint - $10

5)1 big tube of wood glue - $3

6)2 nice looking brushed metal handles for the drawers - $4

7)metal rolling mechanisms for the sliding platform - $6

It's too late for me to be cutting up wood and going to town on this thing so I'll get started on it first thing tomorrow. There's a pretty good chance I could get this whole thing done tomorrow, in which case I might consider tackling one of my other proposals and have it be a multi-part project. We'll see how it goes tomorrow

1 comment:

slantiness said...

I got pretty much that same thing of woodglue for my thing!