Tuesday, November 10, 2009

3 ideas for final project

I've scanned in 3 sketches of ideas for where I can go with this project.

1)My first one and the one I'm pretty intent on producing is a light box with custom laser-etched pieces of translucent acrylic on the surface, so it's like a projected still piece as opposed to just a plain print. This idea started when I noticed there were 4 florescent light tubes in my shed not being used at all so I figured I could use some cool new artwork around my house and at the same time put these lights to use.

2)The next idea is very similar to my first night stand project in that I have a piece of furniture (My computer desk) which is something I use several hours a day every day and is aesthetically displeasing and somewhat dysfunctional. My plans for the desk are to simply fix the broken track system for the broken keyboard drawer thing, make some sort of new organization system for my shelves and the mess of wires, and to refinish the whole thing in black. This is not a very intense project so if I were to do it I would probably do it in conjunction with another one of these.

3)My final idea is one that I actually had for the first one but am now transfering it up to this project since I'm doing an over-arching theme of DIY re-design/enhancing my surroundings and it fits pretty nicely in that category. My closet does not have a door, which is not the end of the world, but it is kind of annoying. So instead of just buying a door I'd like to buy the pieces of wood myself and fabricate the thing from scratch maybe even with a custom laser-etched design.

So far I really like the idea of creating custom projection artwork, and if time permits I would really like to do the desk project on the side. I need to go check out the laser cutter and see what types of acrylic look best under fluorescent and to make sure everything is feesable and will look good before I dive into it.

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