Monday, November 23, 2009


So as expected I spent a good deal of my weekend sanding down this whole freaking desk, this operation required multiple energy drinks and about 3 sheets of sand paper. On top of taking the desk apart and sanding it I've been working on some design layouts for the vinyl in illustrator, I'm also working on a quick prototype image of the whole desk with the designs on it so I can see what it looks like and maybe decide on some colors. Those will go up later tonight when I'm finished with them. As of now I have some pictures of the sanding process and my supplies.

Here's the desk in its original state:

Here it is cut in half. The rest of the pieces were too stubborn to come off so I figured it would be easy enough to sand and paint in two big chunks.

And here it is all purty and sanded. I've already used those two cans of black on the bottom half of the desk so I imagine I'll need at least 2 or 3 more cans of black, no big deal though it's a minor investment.

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