Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Final idea for final project

So after this weekend I've decided to switch gears a little bit for this project. I've kind of lost interest/faith in my lightbox art project and have re-directed my interests towards customizing my computer desk. I feel like this idea fits better into my theme of customizing things in my surroundings to fit my aesthetic and functional needs. I also really liked the idea that John put out there about applying vinyl over furniture and applying paint over it to make a negative space design on the piece. So I've been working on some sketches of designs I want to see on my desk and so far I'm working with a theme of radiating waves and circular patterns. I will post some detailed sketches once I have all the details and designs figured out. On top of painting and redesigning the desk I'll be fixing the keyboard drawer and making some new organization systems for cables and general clutter around my desk.

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