Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Summary of my experience with the first project

I really really enjoyed the entire process of this project from planning it out by hand to making the entire thing by hand. It's been nice stepping away from the computer for once and getting my hands dirty and learning some new and very useful things. Obviously this project is very self-oriented and personal but I feel like people can learn from my project how cheap and relatively easy it is to do these things yourself. I am in love with my new piece of furniture, and hopefully I'll be able to keep it for the rest of my life as a reminder that I don't need to pay someone a crap load of money to make me a well designed nice looking item, and I'll know that mine is original, no one else has this and that has a value that money can't match. At this point I am thinking about staying the course for the second project and continue with customizing furniture or any other item(s) around my house that don't meet my satisfaction. I want to have this next project be on a slightly larger scale (do more than just one item, maybe customize something other than furniture), and perhaps even advertise what I'm doing to help get my message out there.

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